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Like the way I write? Interested in reproducing something I have written? 

So you have found something here on Canada Lily that you really like, and now you would like to reprint it? Awesome! I love it when something I write gets a chance to be published more than once. 


Let me be very blunt about something: If you are looking to buy all rights to a piece, you would be better off looking elsewhere. As a general rule, I will say no to deals like that. Relinquishing complete control over any of my word babies is not something that I have done yet, not even once. That said, there could be a first time for everything.


There is a form below that you can send me, letting me know what you are thinking. Together, we can try to put together a deal that pleases both parties. Let me know who you are, which piece of my writing you are looking at, why and how you want to reuse this piece of writing. I will consider your request and get back to you with a yes, a no, or a maybe (aka, let's talk about this a bit more).

Let’s Talk!

Following the directions above, use the contact box below to ask me about my writing!

Thanks for submitting!

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