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9 items found for "Patricia MacLachlan"

  • From My Bookshelves: Baby (written by Patricia MacLachlan)

    Book Title: Baby Author: Patricia MacLachlan Category: Fiction, Children's Literature Age Group: MacLachlan did a phenomenal job on this book. MacLachlan doesn’t end on a sad, bitter note completely void of hope. I am once again wowed by McLachlan's evident skill as a writer, and her onderful instincts on when is MacLachlan's writing is so tender, so heartbreakingly sweet at times.

  • From My Bookshelves: Sarah, Plain and Tall

    Book Title: Sarah, Plain and Tall Author: Patricia MacLachlan Genre: Fiction, Children's Literature Age Lucky for me (and for you), Patricia MacLachlan wrote four more books in the series.

  • From My Bookshelves: More Perfect than the Moon

    Book Title: More Perfect than the Moon Author: Patricia MacLachlan Genre: Fiction, Children's Literature —Cassandra Sarah Witting" (Quote from More Perfect than the Moon, written by Patricia MacLachlan.) ** As with any of Patricia MacLachlan's stories that I have read, it is short but ever so skillfully told

  • From My Bookshelves: Caleb's Story

    Book Title: Caleb's Story Author: Patricia MacLachlan Genre: Fiction, Children's Literature Age Group Through her simple writing style, Patricia MacLachlan portrays a beautiful story that will likely tug MacLachlan doesn't shy away from the sad or difficult things in life.

  • From My Bookshelves: Skylark

    Book Title: Skylark Author: Patricia MacLachlan Genre: Fiction, Children's Literature Age Group: Everyone (Quote from Skylark by Patricia MacLachlan, pages 5 and 6.) ***** The prairies are dry.

  • From My Bookshelves: Grandfather's Dance

    Book Title: Grandfather's Dance Author: Patricia MacLachlan Genre: Fiction, Children's Literature [Excerpt from Grandfather's Dance by Patricia MacLachlan, page 55.] *** Anna, the eldest of the Witting

  • The Sun Is Shining At Canada Lily (Sunshine Blogger Award)

    blog very long, you've probably noticed that most of the books I have reviewed thus far are written by Patricia MacLachlan. Here's where you can find several reviews  I've done on Patricia MacLachlan's work.

  • Amazing Resources For Young Writers

    Publish Your Book: Proven Strategies and Resources for the Enterprising Author - Patricia Fry I cannot examples in this book and the following book are amazing, in fact, some of them I really do not like, but Patricia Or you can buy it directly from Patricia Fry. 3. Promote Your Book: Over 250 Proven, Low-Cost Tips and Techniques for the Enterprising Author - Patricia You can find Promote Your Book on Amazon, or purchase it directly from Patricia Fry herself.

  • Novel November (What I’m Working On)

    If you are a fellow author feeling uncertain about using the name NaNoWriMo, I’d love to see you participating

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