I have dreamed of writing a book and getting it published for as long as I can remember, but it wasn't until the beginning of 2022 that I really began pursuing this goal. I created a challenge for myself: enter one writing contest every month that year. I missed some months, and I doubled up in others.
I learned a lot about writing in 2022, and I had the first of a few victories. My first big one was earning an Honourable Mention in the Humanitas Family Freedom Short Story Contest.
I continued entering contests throughout this year (2023), though not necessarily every month.
Moving into early 2023, I earned my second big victory, another Honourable Mention, this time from Dandelion Press for my pantoum "Two Hats." This earned me a $40 USD Shop Credit.
My third great victory was having a story accepted by Nature Friend Magazine. This was a big deal, my first piece of writing to earn me real pay. I received a copy of the magazine issue in which my story appeared, along with a $40 USD cheque.
My fourth, extremely exciting victory, was again with Dandelion Press. They chose my poem, "Side by Side," as the winner for their final writing contest. I received a $100 USD Shop Credit, a whopping $100 USD cheque, and the promise of publication in their first ever anthology. The expected release date is not out yet, but I am guessing sometime in 2024. When the book comes out, Dandelion will send me two complimentary copies as part of the publication agreement.
I don't have any kind of crazy instant-fame-I-am-amazing-my-books-are-making-millions story to tell, but I think my route - hard work and determination - is that much more satisfying. Each small victory is duly celebrated, and then I go back to reaching for the stars, pushed on by that recent small win.
Where am I now? Well, it's December of 2023, and I'm launching my very own blog, created in just twenty-five days! I'd played with blog design before, but always alone. This time, I dragged my mother in to help, and together, Canada Lily was born. Thanks a million, Mom!
I also have a bird book that I am excited to dive back into now that launching the blog is complete. One of my hobbies is birdwatching, and so I thought, why not write a bird book of New Brunswick? It may never be published, but this project is me proving to myself that I can and will finish a big project. It is for myself that I am doing this. After that, I do not yet know.
There is so much more to explore in the wide world of writing, and I hope you'll join me on this exciting journey, Young Writer!
All the best,
Lily Page