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  • Lilyana Page

From My Bookshelves: Sarah, Plain and Tall

Updated: Jun 13

Blog Post Graphic Designed By Lilyana Page

Book Title: Sarah, Plain and Tall

Author: Patricia MacLachlan

Genre: Fiction, Children's Literature

Age Group: Everyone!

Part of a Series? Yes.

Place In Series: Book #1

Other Books In Series: Caleb's Story (#2), Skylark (#3), More Perfect Than the Moon (#4),Grandfather's Dance (#5)


Sarah, Plain and Tall tells the story of family. Family is important, and Papa knows that. He knows that his children, Anna and Caleb, need a mother. Mama died when Caleb was born. Anna remembers and misses her. Caleb does not remember her, but he wishes he did.

One day, Papa tells his children that he had recently put an advertisement in the paper, looking for a wife. He received a letter from a woman named Sarah Wheaton. Papa and Caleb and Anna all write letters to Sarah, and she responds to each of them. Finally, Sarah says that she would like to come and visit for a month, to see if she likes it.

Anna and Caleb worry that Sarah will not want to live on the prairies, that she will miss Maine and the sea too much. Will Sarah stay and marry their Papa, or will she go back to where she came from?

Is Sarah, Plain and Tall really for everyone, you ask? I would say yes! It is good for any age group, young or old.

I love Sarah Plain and Tall because of the simple way the story is told, and because of the way many different age groups can relate to the story, making it perfect for a short family read aloud. This story leaves me satisfied with how things turned out, yet still wanting to read more. Lucky for me (and for you), Patricia MacLachlan wrote four more books in the series. Keep on the lookout for more reviews of her books.

If you would like to read Sarah, Plain and Tall, check with your local library system and see if they have a copy. If not, you may wish to purchase a copy on Amazon, Thriftbooks, or from your favourite bookstore. Happy reading!


P.S. If you are on Goodreads, you can find me here.


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