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Watching, Waiting, Listening: A Poem

Lilyana Page

bird and tree silhouetted against the moon

Watching, Waiting, Listening

The trees rustle

and swish above streams that

gurgle and sing.

The birds warble happily

whilst the crickets sing,

rivaling the birds themselves.

The clouds drift silently on

as the sun lowers in the sky

and the air grows colder.

I sit upon a mossy stone,

watching, waiting, listening.

Silent as an owl's wing.

At last, the shadows deepen

into night, and I hold my breath

in anticipation of what is to come

The moon steals softly

over the starlit sky,

and the night animals begin to stir.

Peepers sing in the brook

as the crickets head off to bed,

their sleepy voices fading away.

A fox slinks through the shadows,

on the trail of a mouse.

Squeak! A shrill pip pierces the night


I rise from my mossy stone, still

watching, waiting, listening.

As a cloud draws slowly over the moon, I slip silently away.


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