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Writing Contests: March 2024!

Lilyana Page

Updated: Jun 4, 2024

Writing Contests: March 2024

This list of writing contests for March 2024 is rather short, I admit. The reason for that is that I strive to only list contests that I myself would be comfortable entering. And that takes quite a bit of hunting. If you do not find what you want here, I would encourage you to keep looking. There are many, many, many writing contests out there, and I am sure there is one that will work wonderfully for you!

As always, explore the contest sites yourselves, read over any guidelines with an eagle eye (or a parent), submit your best work, and have fun!

*** All quotations are from the contest sites themselves. ***

New Brunswick Writing Competition

Contest Deadline: March 31, 2024

Entry Fee: Varies by category.

Special Requirements: Must be a resident of New Brunswick, or a WFNB member.

Theme: None. There are eight categories to choose from: Fiction Manuscript, Short Fiction, Poetry Manuscript, Single Poem, Books for Young People, Teen Writers, Narrative Nonfiction, and Screenplay. Submission fees vary for each category.

Age Category: None

Prizes: Winners, $10,000, Finalist, $2,500

You may submit multiple pieces to a category, but each time it is necessary to pay the applicable fee.

You can find the full guidelines here. Read them over carefully, as there is quite a bit of information that you should know, which is not listed in this summary.

Ten Minute Play Contest

Contest Deadline: "The contest will close when either 250 entries have been received or on Monday, April 1, 2024, at 1 p.m. (ET) — whichever happens first."

Entry Fee: FREE

Special Requirements: "Eligible students are in the eleventh grade in the U.S. (or international equivalent of the eleventh grade)"

Theme: None

Age Category: 

Prizes: 1st Prize, $500; 2nd Prize, $250; 3rd Prize, $100

One play each.

Ten pages max. 1 page = 1 minute

Sarah Mook Poetry Contest for Students (Grades K-12)

Contest Deadline: This is a mail-in contest, entries must be postmarked March 31 at the latest.

Entry Fee: FREE (donation optional, but appreciated)

Special Requirements: Grades K-12, no older.

Theme: None

Age Category: 

Prizes: Four categories: Grades K-2; Grades 3-5; Grades 6-8; and Grades 9-12. Prizes within each category are all the same. 1st Prize, $100; 2nd Prize, $50; 3rd Prize, $25.

This contest is in memory of Sarah Mook. You can read a bit more about her here.

Each person may submit up to two poems.

NOTE: There is no mention of rights on the website, you can decide whether that concerns you or not. I believe there is an email address listed at the bottom of each site page, which you could contact through if you feel it is necessary.

I believe that the previous year's contest entries are put up on the site.

Jacklyn Potter Young Poets Competition

Contest Deadline: March 15, 2024 at midnight.

Entry Fee: FREE (donation optional, but appreciated)

Special Requirements: Grades K-12, no older.

Theme: None

Age Category: 

Prizes: "Two high school students will be selected and scheduled to read their original work for Café Muse with established poet, Sarah Ghazal Ali, on Monday, June 3, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. They will receive an honorarium."

If you want to know a bit more about Café Muse, go here.

"The Jacklyn Potter Young Poets Competition provides an annual opportunity for two high school students to read their original work with an established poet. The winners are selected by an independent judge. "

To find the full contest information, go here.

NOTE: I did not see any discussion of rights on this contest listing. Decide for yourself how you feel about that.


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