Book Title: Caleb's Story
Author: Patricia MacLachlan
Genre: Fiction, Children's Literature
Age Group: 10-12+
Part of a Series? Yes.
Place In Series: Book 2
Other Books In Series: Sarah, Plain and Tall (#1), Skylark (#3), More Perfect Than the Moon (#4),Grandfather's Dance (#5)
The eldest Witting child is a child no more. Anna is now working in town and finishing her schooling. Since she is away from home so much, Anna hands her job of keeping a journal about the farm and their family over to Caleb, the second child. Caleb isn't happy about this, and he tells her there is nothing to write about.
"There's a man."
"What man?"
"Behind the barn," said Cassie. "He's wrapped in a green blanket. He asked me about Papa."
I smiled.
"You and your imaginary friends, Cassie."
She scowled at me.
"There's a man," she insisted.
Caleb doesn't believe his little sister Cassie when she tells him that she saw a man.
Later, Caleb finds Cassie's mystery man in their barn, weak and coughing. Who is he, and will he be okay? Is he carrying the dreaded influenza that the Wittings want to avoid? The strange man's appearance brings up many, many questions, and suddenly Caleb has much to write about.
Caleb's Story deals with many emotions. It deals with Jacob (Papa) Witting's pain and resentment of the fact that his father (John Witting) walked out and left him when he was a boy. It deals with the pain Caleb feels watching his father and newly found grandfather ignoring each other and refusing to talk, to work things out. It doesn't end this way, however. New and old hurts are forgiven, and somehow, someway, things begin to heal between Jacob and John.
Caleb's Story tugs on my heartstrings. Through her simple writing style, Patricia MacLachlan portrays a beautiful story that will likely tug on your heartstrings too. It's realistic and relatable, something that I love about this book series. MacLachlan doesn't shy away from the sad or difficult things in life. She dives into them, and she handles them gently. Life is hard, and she knows it. Through her characters, she is helping us see how we should or should not handle these situations and emotions.
If you would like to know how the strife between Jacob and John Witting ends, read Caleb's Story. Check with your local library system and see if they have a copy. If not, you may wish to purchase a copy on Amazon, Thriftbooks, or from your favourite bookstore. Happy reading!
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